Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Poster Design Challenge

Freedom Jam Poster Design Contest

For all you music fans and creative minds, here is a competition up for grabs. The Freedom Jam happens on the 15th of August 2008. The Venue is yet to be decided. Here is an opportunity for all of you to ponder and create posters for this musical event. You can create as many posters as you want. Please make sure its related to music. You know you have a world of music to choose from. There is no limit to the creative musicians and artists in our country and there are no limits to you.

Now you know you have a world of time and the skill to match. What're you waiting for.....
unleash your creative juices and come up with your very own versions of "The Freedom Jam Poster" If yours is one amongst the 10 best posters you will go away with Cool merchandise. Contest opens 10 Jun '08.The last day to send you entries is 10 July 2008.

Now you know you have a world of time and the skill to match. What're you waiting for.....

Design your poster digitally or scan your art and and send them to us. The posters need to be a minimum size of 1600 pixels x 1200 pixels either in landcape mode or portrait mode.

Send in you posters by email to madmanscam@gmail.com

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